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The creative process

Conceptualize and simplify

An experiment in how to use the most straightforward style with literal visual meaning, playing on that sarcasm, and how it can express more and be a good concept without thinking of something more elaborate than it really has to be.

the solution to toxic people

When you have to think about a toxic person, you don't want to see them, so if we apply the social media reality to real life, it would be nice to just "block them".
Conceptualize and simplify norangelll

How to be happy?

If you type in Google "how to be" it automatically shows you "how to be happy?", and it is interesting how a bunch of people show themselves to be happy all the time, but it looks like the reality is different, isn't it?
Conceptualize and simplify norangelll

How to remove dark circles?

Like a person that looks like a panda, I can tell that when I was trying to do these "Google searches" for this practice, I was not surprised when I saw this one, and I thought it would be just amazing to have an eraser that deletes the dark circles forever, so this idea came out! 

Some extra practices

Conceptualize and simplify norangelll
Conceptualize and simplify norangelll

How to flirt in English?

How to stop thinking about someone?

Conceptualize and simplify norangelll
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