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Frame by fame


Here is a compilation of some animations that I made last year. All of them were practices for school, and they were made frame by frame. I got the pleasure to work with Martin Tognola Dubovsky through all this process, training, and growth.

head turn

This was the first animation practice while I was working with Martin Tognola. 
I decided to record a video of myself doing a head turn, and then use it as a reference.
animation practices norangelll


For the second one, I thought it would be better if I just animated something easier so I could pay more attention to the timing.
animation practices norangelll
animation practices norangelll

APPduction. 👽❤️

And to finish our project, I had to choose an article; this one was written by Susana Quadrado and is titled "Appducidos" (abductees, or in this case "APPductees"), and on it, she explains how people are addicted to social media. 
So, with this in mind, I transmit the idea that a person is being absorbed by something or someone, which represents how social media is taking over our total control.

From the sketch to the final view

Creative process

animation practices norangelll
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