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Fictitious campaign for Barcelona City Council

Don't forget about Sant Jordi

In this project, I had to choose a celebration from Barcelona and make a communication campaign with 4 illustrations. 
My personal reason for choosing this particular festival in Spain was to get to know a little bit of Spanish culture, transmitting what I had learned through each of the illustrations and this communication campaign. 
Sant Jordi is a festival that is considered the Catalan Valentine, and its origins and legend are a reflection of that past and make it different from other countries. So as a foreign person, I find it interesting to show the roots of this holiday and make more people interested in its legend.


If you want to know who Sant Jordi was, here is more information:

—Sant Jordi is a legend from Catalonia, Spain. And it's about how a knight saves the princess from a dragon that's devouring all the cattle and people in town. Now in Catalonia, Sant Jordi is like "Valentine's Day," which they celebrate every April 23rd by giving flowers and books because it is also "Book Day.".
Save the prince norangelll

Save the princess, a flower, and a book

This is the visual key of the entire project; on this one, I sought to show the legend as it is told, in which the act of love and courage of San Jordi is taught when saving the princess, which is the central teaching they want to convey to the public. 

Save the prince

In each of the illustrations, I reflected the most important and representative values of the Barcelona City Council, so feminism and the courage of women were shown in this one, implying that we as women can also be independent and, above all, help whoever.
Save the prince norangelll
 Sant Jordi our way norangelll

Sant Jordi our way

Other important values to highlight in an illustration were independent living and diversity because this festivity is aimed at every citizen or tourist who wants to be part of it.

We are also Sant Jordi

And in this final piece, the values of inclusion and equal rights were added due to the fact that this celebrity has no color, just like at the Barcelona City Council, where everyone is welcome.
We are also Sant Jordi
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